TrainingLink by DKF Solutions Group Logo

Create a FREE Trainee Profile

A profile is required to register for TrainingLink and DKF Solutions Group trainings & webinars.
Your free profile will allow you to view your trainings & webinars calendar, join trainings & webinars, and print certificates of completion.

How an employer can subscribe to Agency BASIC:
   STEP 1:     Create a FREE Training Profile above.
   STEP 2:    Log In at
   STEP 3:    Click Subscribe on the Agency Subscription tab

TrainingLink™ Subscriptions

Free Trainee Profile


Efficient Registration
Join Training Easily
Training Calendar
Print Contact Hour Certificates
Keep Control of Training Records
Access Training on Mobile
​Stay Organized

Create a FREE Profile

Agency BASIC

$99/month or $999/year

Training Management
Manage Employees
Track Training Requirements
View Training Records
Print Certificates of Completion​
Create & Track Agency Events

Live and On-Demand
Live Online Tailgate Safety Trainings
70+ Video Tailgate Archive
30 Live Online Webinars each year
85+ Video Webinar Archive
110+ Printable Tailgates


Agency PRO


Training Management
Manage Employees
Track Training Requirements
View Training Records
Print Certificates of Completion​
Create & Track Agency Events

Live and On-Demand
Live Online Tailgate Safety Trainings
70+ Video Tailgate Archive
30 Live Online Webinars each year
85+ Video Webinar Archive
110+ Printable Tailgates

Unlimited access to library of
120+ Self-Directed Computer Based Training modules

Six live online training sessions each year for each registered employee
Bloodborne Pathogens​
Confined Space
Electrical Safety Awareness
Excavation Competent Person
Fall Protection Awareness
Flagging/Traffic Control
Forklift Operator
Hazardous Waste Management
Hearing Conservation
Heat Illness Prevention
Lockout/Tagout Awareness
Respiratory Protection
Underground Utility Locator Refresher

Contact Us for Quote