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Click this icon to add/edit Job Titles:
Click this icon to edit the Department Name:

IMPORTANT: If you have training requirements assigned by job title and you add a new title you must also add training requirements on the Requirements tab. If you are a TrainingLink Pro subscriber contact before adding job titles.

Administrator Dashboard (for paid subscribers only)

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Employee Roster

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Training Requirements

Training Records: Current Employees

Select an employee, and a date range and/or course title keyword(s) to view associated training records.

Training Records: Former Employees

Select an employee, and a date range and/or course title keyword(s) to view associated training records.

Search Upcoming Training Registratons

Select a training from the dropdown menu to see who is registered.
Note: A training will only appear in the dropdown menu if you have employees registered for it.

Search for Records/Certificates

View/Print Training Completion Checklists

Some TrainingLink training courses only fulfill part of the Cal/OSHA requirements for training on that topic. Select the course topic below to download the companion training completion checklist. Training is not complete until the checklist is complete. If you want to record completion of the checklist on the employee's training record, go to the Events tab to create a training event, or have them request a completion from the subscriber content pages.