Manage your agency's training topics and assign them to individuals and/or departments. Easily see who is required to complete each topic.
Click for more helpPlease note: This report only displays the individuals that are required to take the selected training topic(s). For an individual's complete training record go to the Employees tab on the Admin Dashboard.
Please note: This report only displays the individuals that are required to take the selected training topic(s). For an individual's complete training record go to the Employees tab on the Admin Dashboard.
Please note: Only topics with a refresher frequency (in months) identified on the Training Topics list above are shown in this report. Additionally, this report only displays the individuals that are required to take the selected training topic(s). For an individual's complete training record go to the Employees tab on the Admin Dashboard.
This report is intended to be used for new hires to identify their training requirements based on their Department and Job Title. Topics assigned to individual employees are not included on this list unless they were assigned by department or job title in either the first or second tab in the Add Training Requirements section above.
Depending on the number of topics in your agency this report may be too wide to view here. Use the scroll bar at the bottom of the window or download the CSV and open the table in Excel to view.
Use this report to find employees' training dates on topics with selected keywords, or partial words. Narrow the results down with a date range.
Click for more helpSearch training records for course names containing keywords. For example, enter "hearing" to list the employees and their training dates for courses such as Hearing Conservation, Hearing Protection, and Hearing Safety.
Use this report to find employees' training dates on topics with selected keywords, or partial words. Narrow the results down with a date range.
Click for more helpDownload a sign in sheet for a single topic, a single department, or the entire agency. Note, you can also create a sign in sheet by creating an event on the Events tab.